Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba increases blood flow in the body—and this includes your brain, which is key for keeping the mind sharp and healthy.
It may help lower inflammation. "Blood has many healing qualities to it, including bringing healing nutrients and oxygen to damaged cells," Wan explains. "Gingko increases blood circulation, so the blood flow helps lower inflammation in certain areas of the body, specifically the lower back, knees, and brain."
It could help with anxiety. If you go to a TCM expert, don't be surprised if he or she recommends upping your ginkgo consumption. "The gingko leaf has an astringent quality and brings heat from the upper part of the body downward
It may help with your headaches. Some small studies have backed up the effectiveness at using ginkgo for migraines in women, and it's been used as a TCM-approved remedy for headaches for a long time. So if your go-to remedies aren't helping, this might be one to consider.
It could make PMS less awful. As if all the above benefits weren't reason enough to consider consuming more ginkgo, the herb could also lessen PMS symptoms, both with cramps and mood. It worked in a small, randomized, double-blind study, which is very promising.