Cilantro Tea
Like many green leafy herbs, it is loaded with phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and anti-inflammatory compounds. It is also full of vitamins A, C, E, K, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. Add this delicious herb to smoothies, soups, stews, guacamole, salads, and yummy ethnic dishes. There are some sound reasons to LOVE it!
Detox Heavy Metals (Mercury, etc)
One of the unique properties of cilantro has been its ability to detox the body of heavy metals like mercury, aluminum, arsenic and lead. Many of these metals are cumulative and can build up and be stored in the body, due to their presence in fish, drinking water, and environmental pollution. Cilantro contains a substance that binds to toxic metals and carries them out of our body. One good reason to add cilantro to your fish—especially tuna and other fish higher up on the food chain—besides its taste!
Fight Diabetes & Help Control Blood Sugar
Cilantro is also widely known as the “Anti-diabetic” plant, helping to lower blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity and improve lipid levels (triglycerides). Some researchers actually believe that cilantro can actually become a remedy for diabetes, when eaten on a regular basis, and in combination with an overall healthy diet.
Cilantro can also help calm your nerves, relieve anxiety, relax your body and improve sleep. A study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology shows the cilantro extract can produce the same anti-anxiety effects as Valium—without the harmful side effects. To get these natural sedative effects, however you would have to eat a fairly large quantity of cilantro, which might not always be realistic.
Avoid Food Poisoning
Fight food poisoning with a generous amount of cilantro. Cilantro contains an antibacterial compound that fights salmonella, dysentery, cholera, and listeria–foodborne pathogens that can cause severe illness, vomiting and diarrhea. A study from Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry identified a potent compound called dodecenal, which shows it is as effective as the antibiotic gentamicin at stopping these pathogens.
Digestive Support
Cilantro and coriander are also valuable as digestive support to prevent nausea, gas, bloating, stop indigestion, and ease stomach aches and cramping. Cilantro stimulates release of digestive enzymes, helping to create more efficient digestion, as well as better assimilation of the nutrients in the foods eaten. In fact, if you love hot spicy foods, adding a generous handful of cilantro to your favorite dish can help alleviate the indigestion and heartburn that often accompanies these foods. Cilantro and coriander also help decrease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and the bloating, gas and constipation discomfort that comes with it.
Protect Yourself From Heart Disease
Researchers found that cilantro lowers total cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. And high triglycerides can be transformed into LDL (the harmful cholesterol). Cilantro can actually help to dissolve cholesterol buildup in the blood vessels, which of course protects against heart disease and strokes.